Top 10
Library Support, Holdings, and Utilization
These five variables were indexed to determine a total score and consequent ranking:
1. Number of school media personnel per 1,000 public school students
2. Number of branch libraries per 10,000 library service population
3. Volumes held in the library per capita of library service population
4. Number of circulations per capita of library service population
5. Number of library professional staff per 10,000 library service population
These numbers were then divided by the city population in order to calculate ratios of library services and resources available to the population.
1 Cleveland, OH
2 St. Louis, MO
3 Kansas City, MO
4 Seattle, WA
5 Cincinnati, OH
6 Denver, CO
7 Pittsburgh, PA
8 Toledo, OH
9 Tulsa, OK
10.5 Minneapolis, MN
CCSU's 2007 listing of America's Most Literate Cities. Minneapolis is the most literate city overall.