the library is the arsenal

Monday, October 29, 2007

My People

Here is my new crush. I just can't keep my hands off of anything he writes!

And here is my new family. I'm going to have to get cracking on my application for membership.


Julia said...

In a jealous rage, I looked at his profile. To my relief, he was not female, tall, brown haired, green-eyed. He may be Irish though.

Jess Shambler said...

Lorcan Dempsey is a badass. We're "required" to read his blog for my KO class, and usually has some good stuff to say. That OCLC is kind of awesome, I think.

Kate said...

From my KO class:

The website of the LC's Working Group on the future of bibliographic control.

Their draft report will be presented via webcast on November 13th.

-- Kate :-)